Hegemonietempel - Berlin - Germany
A prototype for a “low-cost, lowtech eco house” was implemented on the roof of a warehouse in the Berlin neighborhood of Wedding. Using affordable, secondhand building components, a mixed-purpose building with living and studio space, featuring 135 square meters of floor space, was developed from a standard greenhouse building kit. The clients themselves had a hand in part of the construction.
The French architects Lacaton & Vassal who pioneered in similar building concepts advised the clients in the early stages.
The basic construction is a steel frame fitted with polycarbonate panels. Insulated fixtures at the narrow ends define single, detachable rooms, while the middle part is open and uninsulated.
This part is generally conceived of as a storm-proof, outdoor room, and is comfortably usable only when the weather allows or with warm clothing. Numerous furnishings, such as the kitchen module, are mounted on wheels, allowing for a more mobile use of the space. For the sink, both a summer and a winter connection were installed. Like migratory birds, the residents can change their “climate zone” according to the season.