
KFDA - Brussels - Belgium

For the second year, the KunstenFestivalDesArts has commissioned Rotor to build the headquarters for its yearly festival.
In 2010, the challenge consisted in making the most out of the intricate spaces of the KVS building. The headquarters has been almost entirely constructed from materials left over from previous spectacles and renovations. The project has now been dismantled; the bench stayed in front of the KVS for the summer. Founded in 2005, Rotor is a collective of people with a common interest in the material flows in industry and construction.
On a practical level, Rotor handles the conception and realization of design and architectural projects. On a theoretical level, Rotor develops critical positions on design, material resources, and waste through research, exhibitions, writings and conferences.

[project selected by Costanza Maria Zeni]





Architecture as Resource / Imprint