Bullit Ciclery - Valencia - Spain
Valencian architect Hugo Mompò was committed by “Bullit Motorcycles” to design the reuse of an old local in the “Ensanche” district for the opening of a new bike
shop. He won the first prize for the best Interior project for a commercial local.
The challenge was just the starting point: a very bad proportioned local, long, dark, with low ceilings and a lot of division walls.
Mumpò’s goal was the creation of a clear space, wide and full of light.
In order to achieve this result, he first decided to demolish the old false ceiling and the interior walls and to open up completely the rear patio.
The project was conceived to be a sort of special apartment: they work in the kitchen and welcome clients in the living room.
The project includes a carpentry which stands as the boundary between outside and inside space, made with profiles of galvanized steel.
The wooden floor is made of single length slats. Some of them are used as a hanging system.
The simple furniture, made of the same wood, consists in a reception desk and workbenches.
The walls are painted white and the ceiling is earth-coloured, the same colour as the pavement used in the entrance and the patio areas.
[project selected by Silvia Capello]